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  • الأبكم الفصيح

    هذه من عجائب القصص، ولولا أن صاحبها كتبها لي بنفسه، ما ظننت أن تحدث. يقول صاحب القصة، وهو من أهل المدينة النبوية: أنا شاب في السابعة والثلاثين من عمري، متزوج، ولي أولاد. ارتكبتُ كل ما حرم الله من الموبقات. أما الصلاة فكنت لا أؤديها مع الجماعة إلا في المناسبات فقط مجاملة للآخرين، والسبب أني كنت أصاحب الأشرار والمشعوذين، فكان الشيطان ملازماً لي في أكثر الأوقات.

    كان لي ولد في السابعة من عمره، اسمه مروان، أصم أبكم، لكنه كان قد رضع الإيمان من ثدي أمه المؤمنة.

    كنت ذات ليلة أنا و ابني مروان في البيت، كنت أخطط ماذا سأفعل أنا والأصحاب، وأين سنذهب. كان الوقت بعد صلاة المغرب، فإذا ابني مروان يكلمني (بالإشارات المفهومة بيني وبينه) ويشير لي: لماذا يا أبتِ لا تصلي؟! ثم أخذ يرفع يده إلى السماء، ويهددني بأن الله يراك. وكان ابني في بعض الأحيان يراني وأنا أفعل بعض المنكرات، فتعجبتُ من قوله. وأخذ ابني يبكي أمامي، فأخذته إلى جانبي لكنه هرب مني، وبعد فترة قصيرة ذهب إلى صنبور الماء وتوضأ، وكان لا يحسن الوضوء لكنه تعلم ذلك من أمه التي كانت تنصحني كثيراً ولكن دون فائدة، وكانت من حفظة كتاب الله. ثم دخل عليّ ابني الأصم الأبكم، وأشار إليّ أن انتظر قليلاً…فإذا به يصلي أمامي، ثم قام بعد ذلك و أحضر المصحف الشريف ووضعه أمامه وفتحه مباشرة دون أن يقلب الأوراق، ووضع إصبعه على هذه الآية من سورة مريم: { يا أبت إني أخاف أن يمسَّـك عذاب من الرحمن فتكون للشيطان وليّــاً}

    ثم أجهش بالبكاء، وبكيت معه طويلاً، فقام ومسح الدمع من عيني، ثم قبل رأسي ويدي، وقال لي بالإشارة المتبادلة بيني وبينه ما معناه: صلِّ يا والدي قبل أن توضع في التراب، وتكون رهين العذاب...و كنت – و الله العظيم – في دهشة وخوف لا يعلمه إلا الله، فقمت على الفور بإضاءة أنوار البيت جميعها، وكان ابني مروان يلاحقني من غرفة إلى غرفة، وينظر إليّ باستغراب، وقال لي: دع الأنوار، وهيا إلى المسجد الكبير – ويقصد الحرم النبوي الشريف – فقلت له: بل نذهب إلى المسجد المجاور لمنزلنا. فأبى إلا الحرم النبوي الشريف، فأخذته إلى هناك، وأنا في خوف شديد، وكانت نظراته لا تفارقني البته...

    ودخلنا الروضة الشريفة، وكانت مليئة بالناس، وأقيم لصلاة العشاء، وإذا بإمام الحرم يقرأ من قول الله تعالى: { يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان ومن يتبع خطوات الشيطان فإنه يأمر بالفحشاء والمنكر ولولا فضل الله عليكم ورحمته ما زكى منكم من أحد أبدا } [النور:21]

    فلم أتمالك نفسي من البكاء، و مروان بجانبي يبكي لبكائي، وفي أثناء الصلاة أخرج مروان من جيبه منديلاً ومسح به دموعي، وبعد انتهاء الصلاة ظللتُ أبكي وهو يمسح دموعي، حتى أنني جلست في الحرم مدة ساعة كاملة، حتى قال لي ابني مروان: خلاص يا أبي، لا تخف....فقد خاف علي من شدة البكاء .

    وعدنا إلى المنزل، فكانت هذه الليلة من أعظم الليالي عندي، إذ ولدتُ فيها من جديد. وحضرتْ زوجتي، وحضر أولادي، فأخذوا يبكون جميعاً وهم لا يعلمون شيئاً مما حدث، فقال لهم مروان: أبي صلى في الحرم. ففرحتْ زوجتي بهذا الخبر إذ هو ثمرة تربيتها الحسنة، وقصصتُ عليها ما جرى بيني وبين مروان، وقلتُ لها: أسألك بالله، هل أنت أوعزتِ له أن يفتح المصحف على تلك الآية؟ فأقسمتْ بالله ثلاثاً أنها ما فعلتْ. ثم قالت لي: احمد الله على هذه الهداية. وكانت تلك الليلة من أروع الليالي. وأنا الآن – ولله الحمد – لا تفوتني صلاة الجماعة في المسجد، وقد هجرت رفقاء السوء جميعاً، وذقت طعم الإيمان...فلو رأيتَني لعرفتَ ذلك من وجهي . كما أصبحتُ أعيش في سعادة غامرة وحب وتفاهم مع زوجتي وأولادي وخاصة ابني مروان الأصم الأبكم الذي أحببته كثيراً ، كيف لا وقد كانت هدايتي على يديه .
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      FBI agents are questioning Defense Department officials to help find out who told Iraqi leader Ahmad Chalabi that the U.S. had cracked secret codes employed by Iran.CBS News has learned that Chalabi recently told an Iranian intelligence official that this U.S. had cracked the codes, allowing the U.S. you just read communications on everything from Iran's sponsorship of terrorists to the covert operations inside Iraq.Chalabi has denied passing any classified information to Iran, and Chalabi supporters have stated that the CIA is out to eliminate the former exile.In Najaf, Iraq, Chalabi said Wednesday it had been "false" and "stupid" to assert he had tipped Iran towards the code break."Where would I get this from?" he asked. "I don't have any such information. How would I know anything about that? That's stupid from every aspect."Chalabli was once touted as a strong candidate to guide postwar Iraq by some White House and Pentagon officials, but he has suffered a rapid fall from the grace, in no small measure because the U.S. learned he was giving secret information to Iran. On May 20, Iraqi police backed by American soldiers raided Chalabi's Baghdad home and offices. Chalabi is a controversial figure who provided the Bush administration with prewar intelligence on supposed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq -- such as the now-discredited information about mobile weapons labs.As soon as the raid on his home and offices, Sixty minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl reported that the U.S. had evidence Chalabi has been passing highly classified U.S. intelligence to Iran.The New York Times, citing U.S. intelligence officials, said the U.S. learned of Chalabi's activities when an Iranian intelligence agent in Baghdad sent a coded message to Tehran reporting that Chalabi had told him the U.S. had broken the codes.In line with the message, which was read through the U.S., Chalabi claimed to possess gotten the information from an unnamed American who had previously been drunk, the Times said.Chalabi remains to be active and visible on the scene in Iraq where he is a member of the Iraqi Governing Council. On the Memorial Day weekend, Chalabi was reportedly associated with negotiations to maintain a faltering ceasefire within the city of Kufa between U.S. military and radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.Chalabi along with other Shiite leaders met with al-Sadr representatives and declared there were "a momentum for peace." ugg boots sale women One million Americans, mostly men, experience cluster headaches, which come in sudden bursts of stabbing, burning pain. Research conducted recently suggests that the condition may be due to an abnormality in the brain, reports CBS News Health Correspondent Dr. Emily Senay. Immediately, British scientists published a write-up in the journal Nature Medicine through which they compared the brains in men who suffer from cluster headaches and men that don't. Computer images showed no differences when you're getting started. But when the researchers looked more closely at a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, they discovered that the hypothalamus in men who suffer from cluster headaches was structured differently from those in men who had no headaches. The hypothalamus is really a small section of the brain that, amongst other things, controls the body's biological clock. This might explain why cluster headaches have so much regularity that they are often called "alarm clock" headaches.The findings mark initially that scientists have been able to get an actual abnormality in the brain connected with headaches. In the past, doctors thought the causes of most serious headaches were linked to the function of the brain.The outcome could lead researchers to take a good look at other kinds of headaches, like migraines -- which affect 25 million Americans -- to determine if there is some structural alteration in the brain which might be treated. Reported By Dr. Emily Senay House Democrats hope Susan McDougal would be the star witness at a hearing later on whether Congress should renew the Watergate-inspired law that gave Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr his job.Republicans so far aren't standing in the way.?"I anticipate that they will testify,?" said Rep. William Delahunt, D-Mass., associated with the House Judiciary's subcommittee on commercial and administrative law. ?"Obviously, she gives a perspective that we haven't heard from yet.?"McDougal, the one figure in the Whitewater case who refused to speak with Kenneth Starr's investigators, walked out of a Little Rock courthouse Monday a free woman after a jury found her innocent of obstructing justice, CBS News Correspondent Eric Engberg reports. McDougal spent 18 months in prison for refusing to testify. She said her decision was based on a fear that she would be arrested for perjury unless she falsely accused President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton of wrongdoing.A mistrial was declared on two contempt charges against her. For the time being, McDougal would be the star witness inside a hearing that could open as soon as May, said Democratic counsel Julian Epstein. But he cautioned that no decision have been made.McDougal?'s attorney, Mark Geragos, told CBS Today Tuesday that calling a number of the prosecutors who worked for Starr as witnesses would be a turning point in the case.?"When [the jurors] saw this thing was about anything but seeking the truth, we were holding pretty convinced that there was no method in which McDougal could be found guilty,?" Geragos said. Geragos said Starr gives good prosecutors a poor name.?"What he?'s done in Arkansas and to the country generally is an outrage,?" Geragos said. ?"What he'd was an agenda and he would certainly try and fill that end with the taxpayers?' expense. Therefore i had a lot of choice words for him i?'ll continue to do so.?"Geragos added when a new trial were brought against McDougal around the two criminal contempt charges, the effect would be the same as in the obstruction case. ?"I?'m confident another jury would say the same thing: that [Starr] was not thinking about the truth, that it was nothing more than him fulfilling a political agenda. Therefore he wants to do it, we?'re here ready, willing and able,?" Geragos said. ankle uggs The cable giant Comcast Corp. is dropping its takeover bid for that Walt Disney Co., saying Disney management makes it clear it has no interest in putting the two companies together.The decision was announced Wednesday by Brian L. Roberts, president and chief executive of Comcast, who said Disney management's not enough interest led him finally it was time to abandon the merger.Philadelphia-based Comcast stunned the Feb. 11 when it offered stock worth $54 billion at the time for the media and entertainment powerhouse.But Disney rejected the proposed deal."We will always be disciplined in our approach to acquisitions," Roberts said in a statement. "Being disciplined means knowing if it is time to walk away. That time is now."The Comcast offer was made as Disney and its particular longtime leader Michael Eisner were facing pressure from shareholders including one-time board member Roy Disney have been unhappy with the company's financial performance and its stock price.Shareholders made their dissatisfaction clear in the annual meeting in March when 45.3 % of all votes cast withheld support from Eisner for re-election to the board.After the meeting, Disney's board split the roles of chairman and CEO, naming board member George Mitchell as chairman and leaving Eisner as CEO.Eisner along with the board nonetheless have repeatedly insisted Disney is headed from the right direction, and didn't need to team up with a distribution company like Comcast.Comcast could be the nation's largest cable company with 21 million subscribers, and contains a stake in several cable networks, while Disney owns the ABC and ESPN television networks, along with movie studios and recreational areas. The news that Comcast has dropped its Disney bid has come about as no surprise after a series of published reports previously several days, reports CBS MarketWatch's Jon Friedman.Comcast attempted to take over Disney in the first place as it wants very much to diversify its revenue and earning streams. Comcast seeks to flourish significantly its **************************** segments because such providers as Disney — and Time Warner and Viacom — have profited handsomely through their movie divisions and by showing their entertainment wares on cable and network outlets from the U.S. and around the world. The upcoming wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles has hit another potential obstacle.Privately, reports CBS News Correspondent Elizabeth Palmer inside london, they appear to be a genuinely loving couple. Publicly, they're stumbling toward the altar, as Britain's tabloid press finds hitch after hitch the prince's highly paid staff didn't anticipate.First, the bride and groom had to change the venue with the wedding from the Windsor Castle to the local town hall. Then came an indication that the ceremony would have to be operational to the public.And the latest allegation is always that Charles and Camilla aren't allowed, within a 19th century law, to marry in a civil ceremony.Royals watchers tell Palmer the intense scrutiny is inevitable: A widowed prince marrying his longstanding lover, that's a Catholic divorcee, is charting new and sensitive ground.Royal historian David Starkey notes, "This determination to marry having a church blessing, but not to marry in church, and (for Parker Bowles) legally to be queen, but to call herself prince's consort, it represents vividly, and encapsulates vividly, the extraordinary confusion we've got."Most Britons, it seems, do hope they get safely beyond the hazards and through the ceremony to discover wedded bliss, Palmer observes.Author Hugo Vickers, who's written biographies of royal family members, says, "There are some complications about the legal side, but I can guarantee that they will get married and that they'll sort these things out."The religious side might be a service…at St. George's Chapel, and that will remain the same. They have indeed come upon problems on the civil side, out of various marriage acts."So, either the wedding acts will be altered, which may be very important…because we don't want there to be any doubt about this, or the other possibility is that they that they might not go to the Guildhall in Windsor. They could get married civilly in Edinburgh, which they're perfectly permitted do. But I can assure you of one thing: they will resolve them."Should the civil ceremony continue in Guildhall, members of the public wouldn't have to be allowed in, Vickers asserts: "You must have witnesses and they will obviously have witnesses. They could invoke all sorts of strange rules, such as the health and safety law. You can't have members of the public coming in, for security. It's not a problem. …It will be private. You can be assured of that."Vickers continued, "Prince Charles knows what he desires to do and he will do it. You can be positive of that. …Of course, the legal aspects are very important and they have to be addressed."And normally, it's more appealing if the legal things are all in position and then the prince, as it were, uses them, rather than changing what the law states specifically to satisfy his whim to acquire married in the Guildhall in Windsor. That is not very attractive. But if it needs to be done, it will be done." cheap uggs from china The people who died counseled me taking other medications and had other illnesses, and the drug company says complaints are well within normal range. When Carrie asked Mr. Big if he'd love to come up to her apartment from the "Sex and the City" finale, he answered using a phrase that fans recognized in the very first episode.His affirmative reply, which contained two extra unprintable syllables, was delivered which has a wide grin.When the rerun appears soon on TBS, the excision will probably be clean and precise."Absolutely," Big will say.If you're a longtime "Sex and the City" fan, the cut might appear ruinous, robbing the show with the spunk that made it special - or otherwise not. But if you've never seen it before, you'd never notice.Those little instances will appear hundreds of times when the Emmy-winning HBO series begins its run on TBS Tuesday. It's a landmark moment in television, the first time a pay cable series has become sold in syndication to a basic cable station and ought to be sanitized to meet stricter ******************************** and **************************** standards.TBS is promoting "five nights of great sex," and can air two of the series' best episodes each evening through Saturday. The network will start showing all 94 episodes come early july, in order from the first to the last.It's been a busy stretch for TBS' editors.Oftentimes, HBO did the work for them. All along, producers filmed alternate scenes and recorded alternate dialogue, with an eye toward a future syndication sale and because HBO needed a tamer sort of the show for some international markets, said Carolyn Strauss, president of HBO original programming.Mere editing wouldn't always do. TV Guide, which compared a few of the original episodes with the TBS versions, said most of Margaret Cho's dialogue was reduce during her guest appearance as being a fashion designer.TV Guide said hello showed the TBS episodes to a few fans of the show and somebody who hadn't seen it before and "all agreed that there are still enough sizzle to ensure that they're satisfied."Yet critic David Bianculli in the New York Daily News wrote that something is clearly missing."The gist of every story line is there, but some from the edgiest observations and funniest jokes have ended, and Kim Cattrall's catty character, Samantha, has already established her claws trimmed long ago, if not removed entirely," Bianculli wrote.The only real people who can enjoy "Sex" on TBS "are people that don't subscribe to HBO, do not buy or rent the unedited versions on DVD, and does not know any better when they begin to see the diluted versions," he wrote.Koonin thinks the criticism is not only unfair, but inaccurate. "The only thing I will say is watch," he was quoted saying.By DAVID BAUDER what are uggs made of Libya's parliament on Tuesday endorsed an agreement to try 2 Libyan suspects in the Netherlands in the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am jetliner, but failed to say whether Libya would surrender the lads for trial. The bomb blew up the aircraft over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people. Although Libya has accepted in principle that the men could face trial before a panel of Scottish judges in the Netherlands, their handover has been organized by Libya's demand that the men, if convicted, be jailed in Libya. The usa and Britain insist the suspects -- Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah -- serve any prison terms in great britan. Libyan media had suggested that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi doesn't have the authority to hand over the suspects which any such decision must be approved by the People's Congress. Tuesday's statement, read on state-run television during a televised meeting of parliament, expressed satisfaction with the proposed trial but made no reference to whether Libya would actually revenues the suspects. "The General People's Congress expresses satisfaction together with the agreement of the Libyan, British and American sides to attempt the 2 suspects in the Lockerbie incident in a third country," the statement said. In addition, it called for "these sides to work on removing any obstacle preventing both the suspects from standing trial as quickly as possible," an apparent mention of disagreement over where they would serve any prison terms. "This is undoubtedly not a formal decision to extradite the 2 suspects," said a Tripoli-based diplomat contacted on the phone. But a British official said the Libyan statements were encouraging. "We have witnessed the very limited reports depending on Libyan television and, if true, then its very encouraging," said a different Office spokesman, speaking on customary condition of anonymity. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan visited Libya 10 days ago to press the protection Council's demands on Gadhafi. But Libya press said it was the Congress, not Gadhafi, whose approval was needed. The People's Congress is made up of about 500 representatives from lower level committees and assemblies. Although Libya's political structure stresses the body weight of grassroots opinion, the system all together generally keeps step with Gadhafi's semi-official guidance.(C)1998 CBS Worldwide Corp. All rights reserved. This fabric may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report Mortgage interest rates have risen on their highest level in a minimum of five years.The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Freddie Mac, says rates for 15-year and 30-year mortgages have not been this high since early 1995. The common rate for 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages is about 8.64 percent, from 8.52 percent the prior week.Fifteen-year mortgages, a popular selection for refinancing, also rose this week to 8.31 percent, up from 8.17 %. A year ago, the rate was 6.83 percent.On one-year adjustable-rate mortgages, lenders were asking a typical initial rate of 7.15 percent this week, up from 6.96 percent the other day.Freddie Mac says the Federal Reserve's decision on short-term rates soon is a key factor behind the increases. Inside a move to control inflation, the Fed Tuesday raised its target for the federal funds rate—the interest that banks charge the other person on overnight loans—from 6 percent to a nine-year high of 6.Fifty percent.Tuesday's action marked the sixth time the Fed boosted rates since last June. Nonetheless it was a more aggressive approach. The five other increases were by way of a quarter point. The Fed's decision immediately triggered a half-point rise in banks' prime rates in the United States.Folks the Fed and its chairman, Alan Greenspan, are concerned that the economy is growing too fast, which could spark inflation down the road.Higher interest rates slow economic activity by making it more expensive for consumers and businesses to loan money.In a statement explaining its decision, the Fed said the rapidly expanding economy "could foster inflationary imbalances that might undermine the economy's outstanding performance."That pessimistic prediction came despite news that consumer prices, after rising sharply for just two straight months, held steady in April as energy prices posted their first decline in almost a year.The 0.One percent increase in the Consumer Price Index, the most monitored inflation gauge, followed increases of 0.Five percent and 0.7 percent in February and March, respectively, the Labor Department said Tuesday.April's performance was close to target with many analysts' expectations. The past time the CPI was unchanged was at June. But while inflation was almost invisible in April, there’s evidence that price hikes could be ahead. Oil, after falling to $24 a barrel a few weeks ago, is now back near $30 a barrel, which foretells the return better gas prices. black ugg bag (C)MMII CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved. These toppers may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed Profile: Viacom CEO Redstone ugg bicester U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded the al Qaeda terrorist network "was pursuing an advanced biological weapons research program," a Pentagon are accountable to Congress says.The report also says North Korea, Iran, Syria and Libya have chemical and biological weapons programs they are working to enhance with the aid of companies in other countries such as Russia and China.Countries and terrorist groups will likely continue to develop more sophisticated chemical and biological weapons, "and these weapons could well be used in a regional conflict or terrorist attack within the next 15 years," the report said.Al Qaeda's curiosity about chemical, biological and nuclear weapons is certainly known. Osama bin Laden, the group's Saudi-born leader, has called utilization of such weapons against American and Israeli targets a spiritual duty for Muslims.American forces in Afghanistan discovered documents and equipment showing often crude attempts through the terrorist network to develop chemical weapons and strong interest in biological weapons. The Pentagon report, shipped to Congress in April and disclosed in a news release late Thursday, is the first government document to state al Qaeda had a sophisticated biological weapons development effort.The Pentagon report doesn't offer any more details on that germ weapons effort.An FBI bulletin recently said the capture of al Qaeda operations chief Khalid Shaikh Mohammed provided fresh evidence the terror network's experiments with chemical and biological weapons.U.S. officials say al Qaeda is related to several men arrested in London in conjunction with the discovery of traces of the biological toxin ricin. While ricin is very deadly and has no antidote, it is usually produced easily from the beans in the castor plant."The threat of terrorists obtaining and employing biological or chemical materials has increased" within the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Pentagon report said.Though the report also noted that producing ways to deliver such weapons to kill large numbers of people requires sophisticated technology that's at night reach of most terrorist groups and lots of countries.Crude weapons may be made by "almost any nation or group," even though they might kill only small numbers of people, "they could have significant operational repercussions due to psychological impact created by fears" of such weapons, the report said.The report says "entities in Russia and China" would be the main suppliers of equipment and technology related to biological and chemical weapons. Russia, specifically, has been a source of equipment and expertise for Iran's chemical and biological weapons programs, it said.Iran has denied having chemical, biological or nuclear weapons programs. The Pentagon report says Iran could possibly have some biological weapons stocks and possesses stockpiled chemical weapons in the past.By Matt Kelley


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