عظمة الخالق سبحانه The greatness of the Creator

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  • عظمة الخالق سبحانه The greatness of the Creator

    إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونتوب إليه، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا من يهده الله فلا مضل له، ومن يضلل فلا هادي له.
    وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، شهادة الحق والرضا.
    وأشهد أن نبينا محمد rنبي العدل والهدى.
    أما بعد:
    فإن الله جل وعلا خلق العباد، وأوجد الخلق لعبادته وحده سبحانه، وهو غني عن عبادتهم،ولكن ما ذاك إلا ليختبرهم ويمتحنهم، وليجزيهم بأعمالهم فمن أطاع وشكر وعبد الله وحده دون سواه فله النعيم، ومن عصى وتكبر وكفر بالله عز وجل وأشرك معه غيره فله الجحيم.
    فقد أخبر الله عز وجل أنه خلق الثقلين لعبادته، فقال سبحانه: ]وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ[[الذاريات: 56].
    كذلك أخبر سبحانه أنه ما من شيء إلا يعبد الله، ولكن لا يعلم ذلك إلا الله، فقال المولى جل وعلا: ]وَإِنْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ إِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِهِ وَلَكِنْ لَا تَفْقَهُونَ تَسْبِيحَهُمْ[[الإسراء: 44].
    والله عز وجل لم يخلق الخلق عبثًا وهملاً، تعالى الله عن ذلك علوًا كبيرًا، وإنما خلقهم لعبادته وحده سبحانه لا شريك له، ثم بعد ذلك يعودون إليه ليجازيهم بأعمالهم. قال تعالى: ]أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ عَبَثًا وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا تُرْجَعُونَ[[المؤمنون: 115].
    وقال تعالى: ]فَمَنْ يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ * وَمَنْ يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا يَرَهُ[[الزلزلة: 7، 8].
    فكل مجزي بعمله يوم القيامة، فآخذ كتابه بيمينه، وآخذ كتابه بشماله أو من وراء ظهره.
    فمن أطاع عز وجل فقد فاز بالجنة والحسنى، ومن عصى الله تعالى فقد باء بالنار والعسرى.
    وقد أمر الله تعالى بإخلاص العبادة له، وحده لا شريك له، قال تعالى: ]وَمَا أُمِرُوا إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ[
    [البينة: 5].
    وقال رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم : «إنما الأعمال بالنيات...» [متفق عليه]، وقال r: «إن الله لا ينظر إلى أجسامكم، ولا إلى صوركم ولكن ينظر إلى قلوبكم وأعمالكم» [مسلم].

    فلا بد لقبول العمل من شرطين:
    1- أن يكون خالصًا لله عز وجل.
    2- أن يكون صوابًا موافقًا لما جاءت به الشريعة.
    فإذا توافر في العمل الشرطان السابقان فهو بإذن الله تعالى مقبول ومأجور صاحبه عليه.
    ويجدر بنا قبل الخوض في حقوق الله تعالى على عباده أن نتعرف على عظمة الخالق سبحانه، لما في ذلك من زيادة الإيمان بإذن الله المنان.

    - الله خالق كل شيء:
    فكل ما سوى الله عز وجل مخلوق له، مربوب مدبَّر، مخيَّر مسيَّر، مكون بعد أن كان لا شيء، جميع الخلق ملكه وعبيده، وتحت قهره وقدرته، وتحت تصريف مشيئته، قال تعالى: ]اللَّهُ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَكِيلٌ[[الزمر: 62].
    وفي صحيح مسلم، عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص رضي الله عنهما قال: سمعت رسول الله rيقول: «كتب الله مقادير الخلائق قبل أن يخلق السموات والأرض بخمسين ألف سنة، قال: وكان عرشه على الماء».
    وعند الإمام أحمد، عن عبادة بن الصامت : قال: قال رسول الله : «إن أول ما خلق الله القلم، ثم قال له: اكتب، فجرى في تلك الساعة بما هو كائن إلى يوم القيامة».
    قال تعالى: ]فَتَعَالَى اللَّهُ الْمَلِكُ الْحَقُّ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْكَرِيمِ[[المؤمنون: 116].
    وقال تعالى: ]الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى[[طه: 5].
    فالله هو الخالق الواحد الوهاب، خالق خلقه من تراب، وقاهر الصلاب، ومسبب الأسباب، ورب الأرباب، فلا إله إلا الله العزيز الغفار، ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله الكبير المتعال، وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل.
    2- الكرسي:
    ذكر ابن كثير في البداية والنهاية، قال السدي: السموات والأرض في جوف الكرسي، والكرسي بين يدي العرش، وعن ابن عباس أنه قال: لو أن السموات السبع والأرضين السبع بسطن ثم وصلن بعضهن إلى بعض ما كن في سعة الكرسي إلا بمنزلة الحلقة في المفازة، قال تعالى: ]وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ[[البقرة: 255]. وقال r: «ما الكرسي في العرش إلا كحلقة من حديد ألقيت بين ظهري فلاة من الأرض».
    3- اللوح المحفوظ:
    وسأذكر ما يخص اللوح المحفوظ بنص ما ذكره ابن كثير رحمه الله في كتابه البداية والنهاية، فقال رحمه الله: عن ابن عباس: أن النبي rقال: «إن الله خلق لوحًا محفوظًا من درة بيضاء صفحاتها من ياقوتة حمراء، قلمه نور، وكتابه نور، لله فيه في كل يوم ستون وثلاثمائة لحظة يخلق ويرزق ويميت ويحيي ويعز ويذل ويفعل ما يشاء»، وقال مقاتل: اللوح المحفوظ عن يمين العرش.
    4- خلق السموات والأرض:
    قال تعالى: ]خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ[[السجدة: 4].
    وقال تعالى: ]ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى إِلَى السَّمَاءِ فَسَوَّاهُنَّ سَبْعَ سَمَوَاتٍ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ[[البقرة: 29].
    وقال تعالى: ]اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ سَبْعَ سَمَوَاتٍ وَمِنَ الْأَرْضِ مِثْلَهُنَّ يَتَنَزَّلُ الْأَمْرُ بَيْنَهُنَّ لِتَعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ أَحَاطَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عِلْمًا[[الطلاق: 12].
    وفي البخاري: قال r: «كان الله ولم يكن شيء غيره، وكان عرشه على الماء، وكتب في الذكر كل شيء، وخلق السموات والأرض».
    وعن أبي هريرة tقال: أخذ رسول الله بيدي فقال: «خلق الله التربة يوم السبت، وخلق الجبال يوم الأحد، وخلق الشجر يوم الاثنين، وخلق المكروه يوم الثلاثاء، وخلق النور يوم الأربعاء، وبث الدواب يوم الخميس، وخلق آدم بعد العصر يوم الجمعة آخر خلق خلق في آخر ساعة من ساعات الجمعة فيما بين العصر إلى الليل» [أحمد، ومسلم].
    فامتن الله على عباده بما خلق لهم من البحار والأنهار، فالبحر المحيط بسائر أرجاء الأرض، وما ينبت منه في جوانبها الجميع مالح الطعم مر، وفي هذا حكمة عظيمة لصحة الهواء، إذ لو كان حلوًا لأنتن الجو وفسد الهواء بسبب ما يموت فيه من الحيوانات، فكان يؤدي إلى تفاني بني آدم، ولكن اقتضت الحكمة البالغة أن يكون على هذه الصفة لهذه المصلحة.
    ولهذا لما سئل النبي عن البحر، قال: «هو الطهور ماؤه الحل ميتته».
    وأما الأنهار فماؤها حلو عذب فرات سائغ شرابه لمن أراد ذلك، وجعلها الله جارية سارحة ينبعها في أرض ويسوقها إلى أخرى رزقًا للعباد.
    5- خلق الملائكة وصفاتهم:
    الملائكة خلق من خلق الله تعالى، خلقهم لغايات سامية، وأمور عديدة لا يعلمها إلا عالم الخفيات؛ فمنهم الموكل بإنزال الوحي على الأنبياء والرسل وهو جبريل u، وقد رآه النبي rعلى صورته الحقيقية التي خلقه الله عز وجل عليها وله ستمائة جناح، ما بين كل جناحين كما بين المشرق والمغرب.
    ومنهم إسرافيل وهو الملك الموكل بالنفخ في الصور، ومنهم ميكائيل وهو الموكل بإنزال المطر، ومنهم ملك الموت وهو الموكل بقبض الأرواح، وبحيال البيت الحرام يوجد البيت المعمور في السماء السابعة يدخله كل يوم سبعون ألف ملك من الملائكة يصلون فيه لا يعودون إلى يوم القيامة، ولا يعلم عدد الملائكة إلا الله عز وجل قال r: «إني أرى ما لا ترون، وأسمع ما لا تسمعون، أطت السماء وحق لها أن تئط ما فيها موضع أربع أصابع إلا عليه ملك ساجد، لو علمتم ما أعلم لضحكتم قليلاً ولبكيتم كثيرًا ولما تلذذتم بالنساء على الفرشات، ولخرجتم إلى الصعدات تجأرون إلى الله عز وجل» فقال أبو ذر: والله لوددت أني شجرة تعضد.
    وفي حديث آخر: «ما في السموات السبع موضع قدم ولا شبر ولا كف إلا فيه ملك قائم أو ملك ساجد أو ملك راكع، فإذا كان يوم القيامة قالوا جميعًا: ما عبدناك حق عبادتك إلا أنا لا نشرك بك شيئًا».
    ومن الملائكة من هو موكل بتصريف الرياح والسحاب بإذن ربهم، ومنهم أعوان ملك الموت، ومنهم رضوان خازن الجنة، ومنهم مالك خازن النار، ومنهم الزبانية، ومنهم فتانا القبر وهما اللذان يسألان الميت في قبره، ومنهم الموكلون بالجنان وتزيينها وتهيئتها لساكنيها، ومنهم الموكلان بحفظ بني آدم، ومنهم سكان السموات، ومنهم حملة العرش، ومنهم الموكلون بحفظ أعمال العباد، ومنهم رقيب وعتيد وهما كاتبا الحسنات والسيئات.
    ومنهم الملائكة الذين يتعاقبون على العباد بالليل والنهار ويجتمعون في صلاتي الفجر والعصر، ومنهم الملائكة الذين يكتبون الأول فالأول يوم الجمعة حتى يدخل الخطيب، ومنهم الذين يحفون مجالس الذكر وحلقه، قال تعالى: ]يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا قُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ عَلَيْهَا مَلَائِكَةٌ غِلَاظٌ شِدَادٌ لَا يَعْصُونَ اللَّهَ مَا أَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَا يُؤْمَرُونَ[[التحريم: 20].
    وقال تعالى في وصف الملائكة: ]يُسَبِّحُونَ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ لَا يَفْتُرُونَ[[الأنبياء: 20].
    قالرسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم:«خلقت الملائكة من نور وخلق الجان من مارج من نار، وخلق آدم مما وصف لكم» [مسلم وغيره].
    والآيات والأحاديث في ذلك كثيرة معلومة، فلله الحكمة البالغة.

    6- خلق الجان وكيد الشيطان:
    خلق الله الجن من نار كما سبق وأشرنا في الحديث السابق، فلما خلق الله آدم أمر الملائكة أن تسجد له فسجد الملائكة كلهم أجمعون إلا إبليس أبى وعصى ربه وامتنع عن السجود لآدم، وقال أنا خير منه خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين، فاستحق لذلك اللعنة من رب العالمين، فأهبط إلى الأرض ذليلاً حقيرًا مذءُومًا مدحورًا، متوعدًا هو ومن اتبعه من الجن والإنس، ومع ذلك فهو يسعى جاهدًا لغواية بني آدم عن جادة الصواب.
    وأخذ العهد على نفسه ليقعدن لهم كل مرصد، وليضلنهم عن الطريق المستقيم، ولكن الله تكفل بحفظ وعصمة من آمن به وصدق رسله واتبع شرعه ألا يسلط عليهم إبليس وأعوانه، قال تعالى: ]إِنَّ عِبَادِي لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَانٌ وَكَفَى بِرَبِّكَ وَكِيلًا[
    [الإسراء: 65].
    فإبليس حي إلى يوم القيامة، مُنظَر إلى ذلك اليوم الموعود الذي وعده ربه اختبارًا للعباد ومحنة لهم، وله عرش على وجه الماء جالس عليه، ويبث سراياه يلقون بين الناس الشر والفتن، ويفرقون بين المرء وزوجه، قال رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم: «إن الشيطان يضع عرشه على الماء، ثم يبعث أحدهم فيقول: ما زلت بفلان حتى تركته وهو يقول كذا وكذا، فيقول إبليس: لا والله ما صنعت شيئًا، ويجيء أحدهم فيقول: ما تركته حتى فرقت بينه وبين أهله، قال: فيقربه ويدنيه ويقول: نعم أنت» [مسلم].

    وفي الصحيحين قال رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم: «إن الشيطان يجري من ابن آدم مجرى الدم»، فالشيطان يوسوس لابن آدم حتى يوقعه في الخطيئة، فإذا ذكر العبد ربه خنس، وإذا لم يذكر ربه ونسي التقم الشيطان قلبه، فيوسوس له حتى ينسيه ذكر ربه، قال r: «يأتي الشيطان أحدكم، فيقول من خلق كذا، من خلق كذا، حتى يقول من خلق ربك، فإذا بلغه فليستعذ بالله ولينتهِ» [البخاري ومسلم].

    ولهذا كان النبي رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم يقول: «أعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم من همزه ونفخه ونفثه» [أحمد وغيره]، فكما ذكرنا أن الشيطان يوسوس لابن آدم حتى ينسيه ذكر ربه سبحانه، فمنهم ما يوسوس للمصلي في صلاته وهذا الشيطان اسمه «خِنْزَب»، ومنهم من يوسوس للمسلم في وضوئه ويسمى هذا الشيطان «الولهان»، ومنهم أعوان السحرة والمشعوذين.

    فإذا أراد المسلم التخلص من كيد الشيطان ووسوسته فعليه بطاعة الله عز وجل والتحصن من الشيطان بالأذكار والأدعية المشروعة المذكورة في كتاب الله تعالى وفي كتب السنة، قال تعالى: ]إِنَّ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا إِذَا مَسَّهُمْ طَائِفٌ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ تَذَكَّرُوا فَإِذَا هُمْ مُبْصِرُونَ[[الأعراف: 201].
    وقال تعالى: ]وَإِمَّا يَنْزَغَنَّكَ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ نَزْغٌ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّهِ إِنَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ[[الأعراف: 200].
    نسأل الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم أن يجنبنا الشيطان ووسوسته، ونعوذ بالله الحليم أن يتخطبنا عند الموت، فاللهم إن إبليس عبد من عبادك، ناصيته بيدك، يرانا من حيث لا نراه وأنت سبحانك تراه من حيث لا يراك، اللهم إنا ندرأ بك في نحره ونعوذ بك من شره، اللهم إنا نعوذ بك أن يأمرنا بفعل ما نهيتنا عنه، أو أن ينهانا بترك ما أمرتنا به، إنك على كل شيء قدير.
    7- خلق آدم:
    خلق آدم يوم الجمعة، خلقه الله تعالى بيديه ونفخ فيه من روحه وأمر ملائكته بالسجود له فسجدوا إلا إبليس لم يسجد تكبرًا وتعنتًا فاستحق اللعنة من ربه، ففي صحيح مسلم من حديث أبي هريرة قال رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم: «خير يوم طلعت عليه الشمس يوم الجمعة، فيه خلق آدم وفيه أدخل الجنة وفيه أخرج منها» ومن وجه آخر: «وفيه تقوم الساعة».

    وعن أبي هريرة tقال: قال رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم: «لما خلق الله آدم مسح ظهره، فسقط من ظهره كل نسمة هو خالقها من ذريته إلى يوم القيامة، وجعل بين عيني كل إنسان منهم وبيصًا من نور، ثم عرضهم على آدم فقال: أي رب من هؤلاء؟ قال: هؤلاء ذريتك، فرأى رجلاً منهم فأعجبه وبيص ما بين عينيه، فقال: أي رب من هذا؟ قال: هذا رجل من آخر الأمم من ذريتك يقال له داود، قال رب وكم جعلت عمره؟ قال: ستين سنة، قال: أي رب زده من عمري أربعين سنة، فلما انقضى عمر آدم جاءه ملك الموت قال: أو لم يبق من عمري أربعون سنة؟ قال: أو لم تعطها ابنك داود، قال: فجحد آدم فجحدت ذريته، ونسي آدم فنسيت ذريته، وخطئ آدم فخطئت ذريته» [الترمذي، وقال: حسن صحيح].

    فهل بعد هذا كله يعبد غير الله سبحانه؟! وهل بعد هذا يطاع غير الله عز وجل؟! وهل بعد ذلك يشكر غير المنعم جلت قدرته؟! ثم هل بعد هذا وذاك يعصى الإله الواحد القهار الذي خضعت له الرقاب، ولانت لجبروته الصعاب، وخالق خلقه من تراب؟! فلا إله إلا رب الأرباب ومسبب الأسباب.
    فاللهم لك الحمد ما أحلمك على من عصاك، وما أرأفك بمن تاب إليك، فلك الحمد حتى ترضى، ولك الحمد إذا رضيت، ولك الحمد بعد الرضا، سبحانك ربنا ما عبدناك حق عبادتك، وما شكرناك حق شكرك، غير أنا لا نشرك بك شيئًا، فأنت أهل الثناء والمجد، سبحانك وبحمدك عدد خلقك، ورضا نفسك، وزنة عرشك، ومداد كلماتك.

  • #2

    Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and repent to him, and we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and our evils of Allah guides not misleading him, and not mislead Hadi him.
    And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, the right and satisfaction certificate.
    And I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad r prophet of justice and guidance.
    The God Almighty created the people, and created a creation to worship Him alone Almighty, which goes on worship, but what then only to Echtbarham and Imithanhm, and may repay them their jobs and whoever obeys and thanked Abdullah alone and no one else he may bliss, and whoever disobeys bigger and Kafr God Almighty and shared it with others he may hell .
    He told God he created two races to worship Him, the Almighty said: ] I created the jinn and mankind except to worship [ [Thareyat: 56].
    Well Tell Him that nothing but worship God, but I do not know about it until God said, Lord Almighty: There is not nothing but praise, but understand not their glorification [ [Isra: 44].
    And God did not create the creation vain and Hmla, Almighty God, the great tyrants, but he created them to worship Almighty alone is not a partner, then go back to to requite their jobs. He says: ] then think that We created you in vain and that you not be brought back to Us [ [Believers: 115].
    He says: It works whit of good will see * It works an atom of evil will see [ [Zalzalah: 7, 8].
    Every rewarding work on the Day of Resurrection, he took his book in his right hand, and take the book with his left hand or behind his back.
    And whoever obeys Almighty has won heaven and Beautiful, and whoever disobeys God has B fire and Lasri.
    God has commanded sincerely worship him, and alone with no partner, he says: ] and ordered not to Allah, offering Him sincere religion [
    [Evidence: 5].
    The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and peace : «Actions are but by intentions ...» [agreed], r said : «God does not look at your body, not appearances, but hearts and looks into your deeds [Muslim].

    Must accept work of two conditions:
    1 - to be purely for God.
    2 - rightly be in accordance with what you came Sharia.
    If the availability of the work these two conditions are met it, God willing unacceptable and paid the owner.
    It is worth before going into the rights of God to worship that we recognize the greatness of the Creator, because that increase of faith, God willing Mannan.

    - God the Creator of all things:
    Every other than God Almighty creature him, Mrbob mastermind, facultative trajectory, component after it was nothing, all of creation king and his servants, and under oppression and ability, under the conduct of his will, he says: ] God the Creator of all things, and He everything agent [ [ Cliques: 62].
    In Saheeh Muslim, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas, may Allah be pleased with him: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: «wrote God amounts creatures before He created the heavens and the earth fifty thousand years, he said: his throne was on the water .
    When Imam Ahmad, bin silent worship: said: Messenger of Allah said: «The first thing that God created the pen, then said to him: type, ran at that time, what is the object to the Day of Resurrection .
    He says: but Allah is the king right there is no god but Holy is the Lord of the Throne [ [Believers: 116].
    He says: ] Rahman on the Throne [ [Taha: 5].
    God is the creator of one Wahab, the creator created him from dust, and compelling Asalab, and reasoned grounds, and Lord of lords, there is no god but Allah, the Mighty, Ghaffar, and no strength except in God the great Creator, God and yes Suffice agent.
    2 - Holy:
    Ibn al-many in the beginning and the end, Saddi said: heavens and the earth in the middle of the chair, and the chair before the Throne, Ibn Abbas said: if the seven heavens and seven earths Bstun then attained some to some of what Be in capacity chair is like that episode in the wasteland, He says: ] extended his chair of the heavens and the earth [ [Baqarah: 255]. R said : «the Holy Throne only as an iron thrown link between dorsal wilderness of the earth .
    3 - saved the board:
    I will mention with regard to the board saved the text what the Ibn Kathir God's mercy in his beginning and the end, he said God's mercy: Ibn Abbas: The Prophet r said: «God created the panels saved from white pearl pages of red rubies, pen light, and his book light, God where every day Stone and three hundred moment creates and kicking and causes death and gives life and is difficult to humiliate and do whatever he wants , and the fighter said: saved the board on the right hand of the throne.
    4 - the creation of the heavens and the earth:
    He says: the creation of the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days [ [Sajdah: 4].
    He says: ] and then turned to the sky, and fashioned seven heavens He knows everything [ [Baqarah: 29].
    He says: ] God who created the seven heavens and of the earth like it was especially whom you may know that God over all things and that God has everything took note of [ [divorce: 12].
    In Bukhari: r said : «If God was not something else, and his throne was on the water, and wrote everything in the male, and the creation of the heavens and the earth .
    Abu Hurayrah t said: Taking the Messenger of Allah Bedi said: «God created soil on Saturday, and the creation of mountains on Sunday, creating a tree on Monday, creating hated on Tuesday, creating a light on Wednesday, broadcast animals on Thursday, and the creation of Adam afternoon on Friday Last creating created in the last hour of Friday between the times to the night [Ahmad and Muslim].
    Vamtn God on His slaves as create them from the seas and rivers, the sea is the ocean to other parts of the earth, and grow it in aspects everyone salty taste bitter, and in this great wisdom to the health of the air, as if it were sweet to stench the air and spoiled the air because of what dies it from animals, was leads to the dedication of the sons of Adam, but require great wisdom to be on this trait to this interest.
    Hence when the Prophet was asked about the sea, he said: «is purification hundred the solution Mataath .
    The rivers Fmaaha sweet tortured Firat palatable drink for those who wanted it, and make it God's ongoing Sarahh Enbaha in the land and driven to other sustenance of the slaves.
    5 - created the angels and their attributes:
    Angels are creations of God, He created them for the purposes of Semitic, and many things are known only world Alkhviac; Some principal lowered the revelation of the prophets and apostles which Jibril u , has seen the Prophet r in his true form that God created the Almighty it has six hundred suite, between each wings as between the East and the West.
    Including Israfel a King entrusted blowing in the pictures, including Mikael is the principal landing rain, including the Angel of Death, a principal occur with the disappearance of lives, and Lakeal Sacred House no house inhabited in the seventh heaven every day, seventy thousand of the angels praying do not return to the Day of Resurrection, nor knows how many angels but God Almighty said r : «I see what you do not see, and hear what you can not hear, أطت heaven right for her to تئط what the subject of four fingers but it king knelt, if you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much and what تلذذتم women on mattresses, did you go out to Alassadat تجأرون to God Almighty » Abu Dhar said: and God for the good that I tree to back.
    In another interview: «What in the seven heavens no foothold inch palm only the king of existing or knelt or king kneeling, if the Day of Resurrection they all said: what Abdnak right worship but I do not involve your thing .
    It is the angels who is principal discharge wind and clouds permission of their Lord, whom agents Angel of Death, whom Radwan stockist Paradise, including the owner stockist fire, including الزبانية, including Ftana tomb and two who يسألان Dead in his grave, including your clients the heart, and decorated and prepared for its inhabitants, including Moclan save brown Adam, whom the inhabitants of heaven, and were the bearers of the Throne, including your clients save people's work, including a sergeant and two Otaid writer advantages and disadvantages.
    And whom the angels who Ataaqbon the slaves night and day, and they meet in the Fajr and Asr, and whom the angels who write first come on Friday until the next Khatib, including those who Ihvon councils male and throat, he says: ] O ye who believe yourselves and your families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones by angels stern Shaddad not disobey God to them and they do what they are commanded [ [prohibition: 20].
    He says in the description of the angels: praise night and day without ceasing [ [Prophets: 20].
    The Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «Angels were created from light and created the jinn from smokeless fire, and the creation of Adam, which you describe [Muslim and others].
    The verses and hadiths that many information, and thanks great wisdom.

    6 - He created the jinn and the devil:
    God created the jinn from fire as already mentioned in the hadeeth quoted above, when God created Adam ordered the angels to bow his angels fell down Except Iblis Iblis refused and disobeyed his Lord and declined to prostrate to Adam, and said I am better than created me from fire and created from clay, Fasthak so curse Lord of the Worlds, for thee to the ground, humiliated dingy Mzauma rejected, vowing is followed from the jinn and mankind, yet it strives to lure the sons of Adam on the right path.
    The Covenant is taken on himself to يقعدن them every observatory, but Adilnhm for the straight path, but God guaranteed to preserve and infallibility of believed in him and believed his apostles and follow the prescribed not inflicted upon them the devil and his aides, he says: ] The Ebadi not you have Sultan and enough Lord agent [
    [Isra: 65 ].
    فإبليس neighborhood to the Day of Resurrection, landscape to that day promised that promise Rabbo test of the slaves and the plight of them, with the throne upon the water sitting upon, and broadcast Soeriah throwing between people of evil and temptation, and differentiate between man and wife, said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : « The devil put his throne on the water, and then sends someone says: I still So and so even left him, he says so and so, he says, the devil: No God, what made ​​something, and comes someone says: What legacy so dispersed between him and his family, said: Fikrabh and arises and says: Yes You [Muslim].

    In correct said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «The devil being the son of Adam bloodstream» , Satan whispers to the son of Adam even signed in sin, if stated his Lord mans, and if did not mention his Lord and forgot Altqm devil his heart, Vyoussos him until Ansé Rabbo said, r said : «one of you comes the devil, say, the creation of such, created such, even created your Lord says, if reached Felictaz God finished [Bukhari and Muslim].

    Hence the Prophet Allah bless him and peace says: «God forbid Hearer of Satan from connecting and puff and puff» [Ahmad and others], as we mentioned that the devil whispers to the son of Adam until Ansé said Lord Almighty, Some are whispers of worshipers in prayer and this Satan named «خنزب», and some of them whispers for a Muslim in the light and this is called the devil «Alolhan», including agents of witches and sorcerers.

    If he wants a Muslim to get rid of devil and listen to recitation he obey God Almighty and cushion of Satan dhikrs and supplications legitimate mentioned in the Book of Allah and in the books of Sunnah, he says: ] Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan remembrance, when they Mbesron [ [custom: 201] .
    He says: ] and either a suggestion from Satan, then seek refuge in God that he hears and knows all things [ [custom: 200].
    We ask God Almighty, Lord Throne, to spare us the devil and listen to recitation, and seek refuge with Allah Halim that Ataktabna at death, O Allaah The devil Abdul of slaves, Nasith hand, sees us in terms of we do not see and you Glorified see from where does not see you, Oh God ندرأ in your throat and we seek refuge in your of evil, O Allah, I seek refuge in you that commands us to do what his Nhina, or that forbade us to leave commanded us, you do all things.
    7 - the creation of Adam:
    Adam was created on Friday, created by God Almighty in his hands and breathed into him of His spirit and ordered his angels to prostrate to him they worshiped only Satan did not prostrate arrogance and intransigent Fasthak curse of the Lord, In Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «best day Talaat it Sun on Friday, the creation of Adam and the Enter Paradise and it drove them from the face of another: «and when you time .

    Abu Hurayrah t said: Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «what God created Adam scan back, fell from the back of each people is the Creator of his descendants to the Day of Resurrection, and make between the eyes of everyone of them and Bissa of light, and then presenting them to Adam He said: 'O Lord of these? Said: 'These offspring, saw a man whom Vojbh and بيص between his eyes, and he said:' O Lord of this? He said: This is a man from another of your offspring Nations David said to him, says the Lord and how old made? Said: sixty years, said: 'O Lord Zadeh I am forty years old, and when he passed the age of Adam Angel of Death came to him said: left forty years of my life? Said: or had not given it your son David, said: Vgehd Adam Vgehdt his descendants, and forgot Adam forgot his descendants, and sinned Adam Fajtit his descendants [Tirmidhi, who said: Hassan true].

    So after all this worship is God?! And after this obeyed God Almighty?! Will then thank Almighty is Moneim?! Then you after this and that disobey God Almighty one who has undergone necks, and you tyranny odds, and the Creator created him from dust?! There is no god but the Lord of lords and substantiated reasons.
    O Allaah you praise Ahlmk on your stick, and Eravk who repented to you, praise until you are satisfied, Praise You If you are satisfied, Praise You satisfaction, Glorified Lord what Abdnak right worship, and Hkurnak right thank you, but I do not involve your thing, then you people praise and glory, Glory and praise your creation, and Reza yourself, talents throne, and the ink of your words.


    • #3

      Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and repent to him, and we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and our evils of Allah guides not misleading him, and not mislead Hadi him.
      And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, the right and satisfaction certificate.
      And I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad r prophet of justice and guidance.
      The God Almighty created the people, and created a creation to worship Him alone Almighty, which goes on worship, but what then only to Echtbarham and Imithanhm, and may repay them their jobs and whoever obeys and thanked Abdullah alone and no one else he may bliss, and whoever disobeys bigger and Kafr God Almighty and shared it with others he may hell .
      He told God he created two races to worship Him, the Almighty said: ] I created the jinn and mankind except to worship [ [Thareyat: 56].
      Well Tell Him that nothing but worship God, but I do not know about it until God said, Lord Almighty: There is not nothing but praise, but understand not their glorification [ [Isra: 44].
      And God did not create the creation vain and Hmla, Almighty God, the great tyrants, but he created them to worship Almighty alone is not a partner, then go back to to requite their jobs. He says: ] then think that We created you in vain and that you not be brought back to Us [ [Believers: 115].
      He says: It works whit of good will see * It works an atom of evil will see [ [Zalzalah: 7, 8].
      Every rewarding work on the Day of Resurrection, he took his book in his right hand, and take the book with his left hand or behind his back.
      And whoever obeys Almighty has won heaven and Beautiful, and whoever disobeys God has B fire and Lasri.
      God has commanded sincerely worship him, and alone with no partner, he says: ] and ordered not to Allah, offering Him sincere religion [
      [Evidence: 5].
      The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and peace : «Actions are but by intentions ...» [agreed], r said : «God does not look at your body, not appearances, but hearts and looks into your deeds [Muslim].

      Must accept work of two conditions:
      1 - to be purely for God.
      2 - rightly be in accordance with what you came Sharia.
      If the availability of the work these two conditions are met it, God willing unacceptable and paid the owner.
      It is worth before going into the rights of God to worship that we recognize the greatness of the Creator, because that increase of faith, God willing Mannan.

      - God the Creator of all things:
      Every other than God Almighty creature him, Mrbob mastermind, facultative trajectory, component after it was nothing, all of creation king and his servants, and under oppression and ability, under the conduct of his will, he says: ] God the Creator of all things, and He everything agent [ [ Cliques: 62].
      In Saheeh Muslim, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas, may Allah be pleased with him: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: «wrote God amounts creatures before He created the heavens and the earth fifty thousand years, he said: his throne was on the water .
      When Imam Ahmad, bin silent worship: said: Messenger of Allah said: «The first thing that God created the pen, then said to him: type, ran at that time, what is the object to the Day of Resurrection .
      He says: but Allah is the king right there is no god but Holy is the Lord of the Throne [ [Believers: 116].
      He says: ] Rahman on the Throne [ [Taha: 5].
      God is the creator of one Wahab, the creator created him from dust, and compelling Asalab, and reasoned grounds, and Lord of lords, there is no god but Allah, the Mighty, Ghaffar, and no strength except in God the great Creator, God and yes Suffice agent.
      2 - Holy:
      Ibn al-many in the beginning and the end, Saddi said: heavens and the earth in the middle of the chair, and the chair before the Throne, Ibn Abbas said: if the seven heavens and seven earths Bstun then attained some to some of what Be in capacity chair is like that episode in the wasteland, He says: ] extended his chair of the heavens and the earth [ [Baqarah: 255]. R said : «the Holy Throne only as an iron thrown link between dorsal wilderness of the earth .
      3 - saved the board:
      I will mention with regard to the board saved the text what the Ibn Kathir God's mercy in his beginning and the end, he said God's mercy: Ibn Abbas: The Prophet r said: «God created the panels saved from white pearl pages of red rubies, pen light, and his book light, God where every day Stone and three hundred moment creates and kicking and causes death and gives life and is difficult to humiliate and do whatever he wants , and the fighter said: saved the board on the right hand of the throne.
      4 - the creation of the heavens and the earth:
      He says: the creation of the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days [ [Sajdah: 4].
      He says: ] and then turned to the sky, and fashioned seven heavens He knows everything [ [Baqarah: 29].
      He says: ] God who created the seven heavens and of the earth like it was especially whom you may know that God over all things and that God has everything took note of [ [divorce: 12].
      In Bukhari: r said : «If God was not something else, and his throne was on the water, and wrote everything in the male, and the creation of the heavens and the earth .
      Abu Hurayrah t said: Taking the Messenger of Allah Bedi said: «God created soil on Saturday, and the creation of mountains on Sunday, creating a tree on Monday, creating hated on Tuesday, creating a light on Wednesday, broadcast animals on Thursday, and the creation of Adam afternoon on Friday Last creating created in the last hour of Friday between the times to the night [Ahmad and Muslim].
      Vamtn God on His slaves as create them from the seas and rivers, the sea is the ocean to other parts of the earth, and grow it in aspects everyone salty taste bitter, and in this great wisdom to the health of the air, as if it were sweet to stench the air and spoiled the air because of what dies it from animals, was leads to the dedication of the sons of Adam, but require great wisdom to be on this trait to this interest.
      Hence when the Prophet was asked about the sea, he said: «is purification hundred the solution Mataath .
      The rivers Fmaaha sweet tortured Firat palatable drink for those who wanted it, and make it God's ongoing Sarahh Enbaha in the land and driven to other sustenance of the slaves.
      5 - created the angels and their attributes:
      Angels are creations of God, He created them for the purposes of Semitic, and many things are known only world Alkhviac; Some principal lowered the revelation of the prophets and apostles which Jibril u , has seen the Prophet r in his true form that God created the Almighty it has six hundred suite, between each wings as between the East and the West.
      Including Israfel a King entrusted blowing in the pictures, including Mikael is the principal landing rain, including the Angel of Death, a principal occur with the disappearance of lives, and Lakeal Sacred House no house inhabited in the seventh heaven every day, seventy thousand of the angels praying do not return to the Day of Resurrection, nor knows how many angels but God Almighty said r : «I see what you do not see, and hear what you can not hear, أطت heaven right for her to تئط what the subject of four fingers but it king knelt, if you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much and what تلذذتم women on mattresses, did you go out to Alassadat تجأرون to God Almighty » Abu Dhar said: and God for the good that I tree to back.
      In another interview: «What in the seven heavens no foothold inch palm only the king of existing or knelt or king kneeling, if the Day of Resurrection they all said: what Abdnak right worship but I do not involve your thing .
      It is the angels who is principal discharge wind and clouds permission of their Lord, whom agents Angel of Death, whom Radwan stockist Paradise, including the owner stockist fire, including الزبانية, including Ftana tomb and two who يسألان Dead in his grave, including your clients the heart, and decorated and prepared for its inhabitants, including Moclan save brown Adam, whom the inhabitants of heaven, and were the bearers of the Throne, including your clients save people's work, including a sergeant and two Otaid writer advantages and disadvantages.
      And whom the angels who Ataaqbon the slaves night and day, and they meet in the Fajr and Asr, and whom the angels who write first come on Friday until the next Khatib, including those who Ihvon councils male and throat, he says: ] O ye who believe yourselves and your families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones by angels stern Shaddad not disobey God to them and they do what they are commanded [ [prohibition: 20].
      He says in the description of the angels: praise night and day without ceasing [ [Prophets: 20].
      The Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «Angels were created from light and created the jinn from smokeless fire, and the creation of Adam, which you describe [Muslim and others].
      The verses and hadiths that many information, and thanks great wisdom.

      6 - He created the jinn and the devil:
      God created the jinn from fire as already mentioned in the hadeeth quoted above, when God created Adam ordered the angels to bow his angels fell down Except Iblis Iblis refused and disobeyed his Lord and declined to prostrate to Adam, and said I am better than created me from fire and created from clay, Fasthak so curse Lord of the Worlds, for thee to the ground, humiliated dingy Mzauma rejected, vowing is followed from the jinn and mankind, yet it strives to lure the sons of Adam on the right path.
      The Covenant is taken on himself to يقعدن them every observatory, but Adilnhm for the straight path, but God guaranteed to preserve and infallibility of believed in him and believed his apostles and follow the prescribed not inflicted upon them the devil and his aides, he says: ] The Ebadi not you have Sultan and enough Lord agent [
      [Isra: 65 ].
      فإبليس neighborhood to the Day of Resurrection, landscape to that day promised that promise Rabbo test of the slaves and the plight of them, with the throne upon the water sitting upon, and broadcast Soeriah throwing between people of evil and temptation, and differentiate between man and wife, said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : « The devil put his throne on the water, and then sends someone says: I still So and so even left him, he says so and so, he says, the devil: No God, what made ​​something, and comes someone says: What legacy so dispersed between him and his family, said: Fikrabh and arises and says: Yes You [Muslim].

      In correct said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «The devil being the son of Adam bloodstream» , Satan whispers to the son of Adam even signed in sin, if stated his Lord mans, and if did not mention his Lord and forgot Altqm devil his heart, Vyoussos him until Ansé Rabbo said, r said : «one of you comes the devil, say, the creation of such, created such, even created your Lord says, if reached Felictaz God finished [Bukhari and Muslim].

      Hence the Prophet Allah bless him and peace says: «God forbid Hearer of Satan from connecting and puff and puff» [Ahmad and others], as we mentioned that the devil whispers to the son of Adam until Ansé said Lord Almighty, Some are whispers of worshipers in prayer and this Satan named «خنزب», and some of them whispers for a Muslim in the light and this is called the devil «Alolhan», including agents of witches and sorcerers.

      If he wants a Muslim to get rid of devil and listen to recitation he obey God Almighty and cushion of Satan dhikrs and supplications legitimate mentioned in the Book of Allah and in the books of Sunnah, he says: ] Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan remembrance, when they Mbesron [ [custom: 201] .
      He says: ] and either a suggestion from Satan, then seek refuge in God that he hears and knows all things [ [custom: 200].
      We ask God Almighty, Lord Throne, to spare us the devil and listen to recitation, and seek refuge with Allah Halim that Ataktabna at death, O Allaah The devil Abdul of slaves, Nasith hand, sees us in terms of we do not see and you Glorified see from where does not see you, Oh God ندرأ in your throat and we seek refuge in your of evil, O Allah, I seek refuge in you that commands us to do what his Nhina, or that forbade us to leave commanded us, you do all things.
      7 - the creation of Adam:
      Adam was created on Friday, created by God Almighty in his hands and breathed into him of His spirit and ordered his angels to prostrate to him they worshiped only Satan did not prostrate arrogance and intransigent Fasthak curse of the Lord, In Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «best day Talaat it Sun on Friday, the creation of Adam and the Enter Paradise and it drove them from the face of another: «and when you time .

      Abu Hurayrah t said: Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «what God created Adam scan back, fell from the back of each people is the Creator of his descendants to the Day of Resurrection, and make between the eyes of everyone of them and Bissa of light, and then presenting them to Adam He said: 'O Lord of these? Said: 'These offspring, saw a man whom Vojbh and بيص between his eyes, and he said:' O Lord of this? He said: This is a man from another of your offspring Nations David said to him, says the Lord and how old made? Said: sixty years, said: 'O Lord Zadeh I am forty years old, and when he passed the age of Adam Angel of Death came to him said: left forty years of my life? Said: or had not given it your son David, said: Vgehd Adam Vgehdt his descendants, and forgot Adam forgot his descendants, and sinned Adam Fajtit his descendants [Tirmidhi, who said: Hassan true].

      So after all this worship is God?! And after this obeyed God Almighty?! Will then thank Almighty is Moneim?! Then you after this and that disobey God Almighty one who has undergone necks, and you tyranny odds, and the Creator created him from dust?! There is no god but the Lord of lords and substantiated reasons.
      O Allaah you praise Ahlmk on your stick, and Eravk who repented to you, praise until you are satisfied, Praise You If you are satisfied, Praise You satisfaction, Glorified Lord what Abdnak right worship, and Hkurnak right thank you, but I do not involve your thing, then you people praise and glory, Glory and praise your creation, and Reza yourself, talents throne, and the ink of your words.


      • #4

        Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and repent to him, and we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and our evils of Allah guides not misleading him, and not mislead Hadi him.
        And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, the right and satisfaction certificate.
        And I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad r prophet of justice and guidance.
        The God Almighty created the people, and created a creation to worship Him alone Almighty, which goes on worship, but what then only to Echtbarham and Imithanhm, and may repay them their jobs and whoever obeys and thanked Abdullah alone and no one else he may bliss, and whoever disobeys bigger and Kafr God Almighty and shared it with others he may hell .
        He told God he created two races to worship Him, the Almighty said: ] I created the jinn and mankind except to worship [ [Thareyat: 56].
        Well Tell Him that nothing but worship God, but I do not know about it until God said, Lord Almighty: There is not nothing but praise, but understand not their glorification [ [Isra: 44].
        And God did not create the creation vain and Hmla, Almighty God, the great tyrants, but he created them to worship Almighty alone is not a partner, then go back to to requite their jobs. He says: ] then think that We created you in vain and that you not be brought back to Us [ [Believers: 115].
        He says: It works whit of good will see * It works an atom of evil will see [ [Zalzalah: 7, 8].
        Every rewarding work on the Day of Resurrection, he took his book in his right hand, and take the book with his left hand or behind his back.
        And whoever obeys Almighty has won heaven and Beautiful, and whoever disobeys God has B fire and Lasri.
        God has commanded sincerely worship him, and alone with no partner, he says: ] and ordered not to Allah, offering Him sincere religion [
        [Evidence: 5].
        The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and peace : «Actions are but by intentions ...» [agreed], r said : «God does not look at your body, not appearances, but hearts and looks into your deeds [Muslim].

        Must accept work of two conditions:
        1 - to be purely for God.
        2 - rightly be in accordance with what you came Sharia.
        If the availability of the work these two conditions are met it, God willing unacceptable and paid the owner.
        It is worth before going into the rights of God to worship that we recognize the greatness of the Creator, because that increase of faith, God willing Mannan.

        - God the Creator of all things:
        Every other than God Almighty creature him, Mrbob mastermind, facultative trajectory, component after it was nothing, all of creation king and his servants, and under oppression and ability, under the conduct of his will, he says: ] God the Creator of all things, and He everything agent [ [ Cliques: 62].
        In Saheeh Muslim, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas, may Allah be pleased with him: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: «wrote God amounts creatures before He created the heavens and the earth fifty thousand years, he said: his throne was on the water .
        When Imam Ahmad, bin silent worship: said: Messenger of Allah said: «The first thing that God created the pen, then said to him: type, ran at that time, what is the object to the Day of Resurrection .
        He says: but Allah is the king right there is no god but Holy is the Lord of the Throne [ [Believers: 116].
        He says: ] Rahman on the Throne [ [Taha: 5].
        God is the creator of one Wahab, the creator created him from dust, and compelling Asalab, and reasoned grounds, and Lord of lords, there is no god but Allah, the Mighty, Ghaffar, and no strength except in God the great Creator, God and yes Suffice agent.
        2 - Holy:
        Ibn al-many in the beginning and the end, Saddi said: heavens and the earth in the middle of the chair, and the chair before the Throne, Ibn Abbas said: if the seven heavens and seven earths Bstun then attained some to some of what Be in capacity chair is like that episode in the wasteland, He says: ] extended his chair of the heavens and the earth [ [Baqarah: 255]. R said : «the Holy Throne only as an iron thrown link between dorsal wilderness of the earth .
        3 - saved the board:
        I will mention with regard to the board saved the text what the Ibn Kathir God's mercy in his beginning and the end, he said God's mercy: Ibn Abbas: The Prophet r said: «God created the panels saved from white pearl pages of red rubies, pen light, and his book light, God where every day Stone and three hundred moment creates and kicking and causes death and gives life and is difficult to humiliate and do whatever he wants , and the fighter said: saved the board on the right hand of the throne.
        4 - the creation of the heavens and the earth:
        He says: the creation of the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days [ [Sajdah: 4].
        He says: ] and then turned to the sky, and fashioned seven heavens He knows everything [ [Baqarah: 29].
        He says: ] God who created the seven heavens and of the earth like it was especially whom you may know that God over all things and that God has everything took note of [ [divorce: 12].
        In Bukhari: r said : «If God was not something else, and his throne was on the water, and wrote everything in the male, and the creation of the heavens and the earth .
        Abu Hurayrah t said: Taking the Messenger of Allah Bedi said: «God created soil on Saturday, and the creation of mountains on Sunday, creating a tree on Monday, creating hated on Tuesday, creating a light on Wednesday, broadcast animals on Thursday, and the creation of Adam afternoon on Friday Last creating created in the last hour of Friday between the times to the night [Ahmad and Muslim].
        Vamtn God on His slaves as create them from the seas and rivers, the sea is the ocean to other parts of the earth, and grow it in aspects everyone salty taste bitter, and in this great wisdom to the health of the air, as if it were sweet to stench the air and spoiled the air because of what dies it from animals, was leads to the dedication of the sons of Adam, but require great wisdom to be on this trait to this interest.
        Hence when the Prophet was asked about the sea, he said: «is purification hundred the solution Mataath .
        The rivers Fmaaha sweet tortured Firat palatable drink for those who wanted it, and make it God's ongoing Sarahh Enbaha in the land and driven to other sustenance of the slaves.
        5 - created the angels and their attributes:
        Angels are creations of God, He created them for the purposes of Semitic, and many things are known only world Alkhviac; Some principal lowered the revelation of the prophets and apostles which Jibril u , has seen the Prophet r in his true form that God created the Almighty it has six hundred suite, between each wings as between the East and the West.
        Including Israfel a King entrusted blowing in the pictures, including Mikael is the principal landing rain, including the Angel of Death, a principal occur with the disappearance of lives, and Lakeal Sacred House no house inhabited in the seventh heaven every day, seventy thousand of the angels praying do not return to the Day of Resurrection, nor knows how many angels but God Almighty said r : «I see what you do not see, and hear what you can not hear, أطت heaven right for her to تئط what the subject of four fingers but it king knelt, if you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much and what تلذذتم women on mattresses, did you go out to Alassadat تجأرون to God Almighty » Abu Dhar said: and God for the good that I tree to back.
        In another interview: «What in the seven heavens no foothold inch palm only the king of existing or knelt or king kneeling, if the Day of Resurrection they all said: what Abdnak right worship but I do not involve your thing .
        It is the angels who is principal discharge wind and clouds permission of their Lord, whom agents Angel of Death, whom Radwan stockist Paradise, including the owner stockist fire, including الزبانية, including Ftana tomb and two who يسألان Dead in his grave, including your clients the heart, and decorated and prepared for its inhabitants, including Moclan save brown Adam, whom the inhabitants of heaven, and were the bearers of the Throne, including your clients save people's work, including a sergeant and two Otaid writer advantages and disadvantages.
        And whom the angels who Ataaqbon the slaves night and day, and they meet in the Fajr and Asr, and whom the angels who write first come on Friday until the next Khatib, including those who Ihvon councils male and throat, he says: ] O ye who believe yourselves and your families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones by angels stern Shaddad not disobey God to them and they do what they are commanded [ [prohibition: 20].
        He says in the description of the angels: praise night and day without ceasing [ [Prophets: 20].
        The Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «Angels were created from light and created the jinn from smokeless fire, and the creation of Adam, which you describe [Muslim and others].
        The verses and hadiths that many information, and thanks great wisdom.

        6 - He created the jinn and the devil:
        God created the jinn from fire as already mentioned in the hadeeth quoted above, when God created Adam ordered the angels to bow his angels fell down Except Iblis Iblis refused and disobeyed his Lord and declined to prostrate to Adam, and said I am better than created me from fire and created from clay, Fasthak so curse Lord of the Worlds, for thee to the ground, humiliated dingy Mzauma rejected, vowing is followed from the jinn and mankind, yet it strives to lure the sons of Adam on the right path.
        The Covenant is taken on himself to يقعدن them every observatory, but Adilnhm for the straight path, but God guaranteed to preserve and infallibility of believed in him and believed his apostles and follow the prescribed not inflicted upon them the devil and his aides, he says: ] The Ebadi not you have Sultan and enough Lord agent [
        [Isra: 65 ].
        فإبليس neighborhood to the Day of Resurrection, landscape to that day promised that promise Rabbo test of the slaves and the plight of them, with the throne upon the water sitting upon, and broadcast Soeriah throwing between people of evil and temptation, and differentiate between man and wife, said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : « The devil put his throne on the water, and then sends someone says: I still So and so even left him, he says so and so, he says, the devil: No God, what made ​​something, and comes someone says: What legacy so dispersed between him and his family, said: Fikrabh and arises and says: Yes You [Muslim].

        In correct said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «The devil being the son of Adam bloodstream» , Satan whispers to the son of Adam even signed in sin, if stated his Lord mans, and if did not mention his Lord and forgot Altqm devil his heart, Vyoussos him until Ansé Rabbo said, r said : «one of you comes the devil, say, the creation of such, created such, even created your Lord says, if reached Felictaz God finished [Bukhari and Muslim].

        Hence the Prophet Allah bless him and peace says: «God forbid Hearer of Satan from connecting and puff and puff» [Ahmad and others], as we mentioned that the devil whispers to the son of Adam until Ansé said Lord Almighty, Some are whispers of worshipers in prayer and this Satan named «خنزب», and some of them whispers for a Muslim in the light and this is called the devil «Alolhan», including agents of witches and sorcerers.

        If he wants a Muslim to get rid of devil and listen to recitation he obey God Almighty and cushion of Satan dhikrs and supplications legitimate mentioned in the Book of Allah and in the books of Sunnah, he says: ] Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan remembrance, when they Mbesron [ [custom: 201] .
        He says: ] and either a suggestion from Satan, then seek refuge in God that he hears and knows all things [ [custom: 200].
        We ask God Almighty, Lord Throne, to spare us the devil and listen to recitation, and seek refuge with Allah Halim that Ataktabna at death, O Allaah The devil Abdul of slaves, Nasith hand, sees us in terms of we do not see and you Glorified see from where does not see you, Oh God ندرأ in your throat and we seek refuge in your of evil, O Allah, I seek refuge in you that commands us to do what his Nhina, or that forbade us to leave commanded us, you do all things.
        7 - the creation of Adam:
        Adam was created on Friday, created by God Almighty in his hands and breathed into him of His spirit and ordered his angels to prostrate to him they worshiped only Satan did not prostrate arrogance and intransigent Fasthak curse of the Lord, In Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah said the Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «best day Talaat it Sun on Friday, the creation of Adam and the Enter Paradise and it drove them from the face of another: «and when you time .

        Abu Hurayrah t said: Messenger of Allah bless him and peace : «what God created Adam scan back, fell from the back of each people is the Creator of his descendants to the Day of Resurrection, and make between the eyes of everyone of them and Bissa of light, and then presenting them to Adam He said: 'O Lord of these? Said: 'These offspring, saw a man whom Vojbh and بيص between his eyes, and he said:' O Lord of this? He said: This is a man from another of your offspring Nations David said to him, says the Lord and how old made? Said: sixty years, said: 'O Lord Zadeh I am forty years old, and when he passed the age of Adam Angel of Death came to him said: left forty years of my life? Said: or had not given it your son David, said: Vgehd Adam Vgehdt his descendants, and forgot Adam forgot his descendants, and sinned Adam Fajtit his descendants [Tirmidhi, who said: Hassan true].

        So after all this worship is God?! And after this obeyed God Almighty?! Will then thank Almighty is Moneim?! Then you after this and that disobey God Almighty one who has undergone necks, and you tyranny odds, and the Creator created him from dust?! There is no god but the Lord of lords and substantiated reasons.
        O Allaah you praise Ahlmk on your stick, and Eravk who repented to you, praise until you are satisfied, Praise You If you are satisfied, Praise You satisfaction, Glorified Lord what Abdnak right worship, and Hkurnak right thank you, but I do not involve your thing, then you people praise and glory, Glory and praise your creation, and Reza yourself, talents throne, and the ink of your words.


        • #5

